Finding Balance with BOOST: Rachel Homan's Journey to Recovery

Hey, Homies! Rachel skip of Team Homan, I am here to tell you about my journey to finding balance—both on and off the ice.

As a dedicated athlete and a mother of three children under the age of 4, my life is a whirlwind of excitement, challenges, and endless opportunities. But amidst the chaos of competitive curling and the joys of motherhood, I've come to realize the utmost importance of prioritizing my wellness and recovery.

Being a skip isn't just about making those precise shots and strategy—it's also about taking care of myself, both physically and mentally. After all, how can I expect to lead my team to success if I'm not operating at my best?

That's where my wellness routine comes into play. It's a carefully crafted regimen that revolves around one key element: recovery. After a day of training on and off the ice, nothing feels better than a session of physiotherapy, a soothing massage, or a thorough stretching routine. These practices not only help me recover faster but also ensure that I'm ready to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead.

But recovery isn't just about what happens after a game—it's about the daily choices I make to support my body and mind. And that's where BOOST Simply+ Chocolate comes in.

BOOST Simply+ isn't just your average protein drink—it's a delicious and convenient snack option that fuels my body and satisfies my cravings. With 20 grams of protein (per 325 ml) and 60% less sugar (vs. BOOST Original 237 ml), BOOST Simply+ provides me with the balanced nutrition I need to perform at my best, whether I'm on the ice or chasing after my little ones at home.

BOOST Simply+ is more than just a drink in my routine. BOOST Simply+ is more than just a drink in my routine. It's delicious balanced nutrition when I need it most, to help me tackle my day

So, here's to chocolatey recovery and the strength to balance it all.

Rachel Homan

Skip, Team Homan


*Disclaimer: Consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine. BOOST Simply+ should be consumed as part of a balanced diet.